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03333 440 880
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3D Engineering Software Solutions

Ansys SpaceClaim
Ansys SpaceClaim

Ansys Discovery
Ansys Discovery

Ansys SpaceClaim
Ansys SpaceClaim
At Eng-IT we are 100% focused on the sale and support of engineering software solutions that make a real and demonstrable difference to a company's workflow and output. We focus on products that have a high return on investment and a low total cost of ownership, and this certainly applies to our flagship 3D CAD Solution - Ansys SpaceClaim and our casting simulation tool Inspire Cast.
Eng-IT Products, Experience & Support
Create, edit and repair 3D geometry 2-10x faster with ANSYS SpaceClaim the most versatile design tool on the market.
Accurately simulate casting processes with Inspire Cast to increase yield and profitability by reducing defects.
Combine Instant real-time physics with proven high fidelity simulation with ANSYS Discovery
Industry Leading Generative Design/ Topology Optimisation software Inspire
CAD viewing and Translation software - ModView

For more information
03333 440 880
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